Monday, December 13, 2010

Searching for My Inner Suzy Homemaker

I want so bad to be Suzy Homemaker. I want to sew and cook and keep a clean house. But I don't think it's in me. I think I'm missing that essential DNA strand.

I've been working on a little quilt and it might result in my husband selling my sewing machine while I'm at work. This is the problem, I want to sit at the machine and everything go perfectly well. I want to magically pick up the scissors and the fabric be cut! I want the machine to have no problems and sew in a straight line every time. See how I put that responsibility on the machine? This might be part of my problem. I've had no training but feel as though it should just be ingrained in my DNA. I should sit and sew. That's it. But it's totally not. And thread gets screwy and I peddle too fast or I swerve toward the right. And I get frustrated. Really frustrated. When the dog sees the sewing machine come out, he hides. Yeah, it's that bad.

My Beloved is a very patient man and insists that perfection comes with practice. But I'm horribly irrational and a little bit crazy. Okay, maybe not a little.

The quilt is almost done and even with the imperfections, it's super cute! I'm at the part of the project where I have the "maybe I should just keep it" conversation and my poor husband just shakes his head. God bless him, his wife is a trial.

I've cried and cussed and thrown thread. Daniel promised to never mention it and I promised to never make another quilt. Sort of. ;)

Until next time...

1 comment:

In the Mix said...

Sewing is much like that in my house also. Lots of swearing, lots of use of my seam ripper, lots of dissatisfaction with how things are turning out. Somehow, I find joy in it still and each project teaches me valuable and hard learned lessons. Good luck and don't throw that machine out the might decide you love it one day. :)