Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My 20's were so Last Week

I turn 30 in three days. Three. Days. My twenties will be completely over and I'm trying to be okay with it. It has made me think of the difference 10 years can make. I was only in my twenties for 10 years and in those 10 years, a lot of life happened!

(*this is in the order they come to mind, events will skip around)

I graduated college, met a boy, got in a car accident, took a cruise, switched jobs 3 times, got engaged, was hospitalized for blood clots, was diagnosed with a MTHFR mutation, got married, moved in with a boy, found a career, learned to like beer, found my Point of Enough and moved it, bought a house, learned to sew, got laid off, rescued an animal, said good bye to people I love, learned some relationships aren't worth it, made a quilt...

And while 30 might be 'grown', there are still some things I hold on to. I recently retrieved my stuffed animals from my mother's house and I still love them! I can still fall asleep on a pile of blankets on my Mom's kitchen floor. Rain puddles still ask to be stomped in and sliding down our hall in socks still makes me giggle. And I'm okay with that! Believing in magic keeps the wrinkles away. ;)

So I'm facing 30 and another 10 years of milestones, heartaches and growth. People keep telling me they'll be the best years yet. I guess we'll see!

Until next time.....when I'm a whole year older.

My first birthday cake.

1 comment:

Aunt Krazy said...

I do not really remember turning 30 because I was busy being Supermom to 4 children covered in Kryptonite. Did y'all throw a party for me? Somehow, I remember Galveston, but my memory is, well, um, what was I saying? :) I do remember 40 vividly because y'all made it FUN for me. I am not looking forward to the short 4 years and 4 months when I shall face the half-century mark. Birthdays are fun and they SUCK, all at the same time! Congrats on hitting another "milestone"! I love you SO much! Love, Aunt Kathy