Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 17 - Technology

How 'Timberley' would have been a few hundred years ago:

Me "Where is the restroom?"
Them "There's an outhouse out back."
Me "Yeah, that's not really going to work for me, so....."

I was definitely born at the right time. Had I been born in any other time, I wouldn't have made it. I'm not cut out to 'rough it'. I like things like hot showers, AC, cars, DVR's, GPS, phones, my Nook and everything else that lights up or plugs in! And I'm pretty sure without them I would be completely lost.

And I think the Internet is paramount to every day life now. We use it to talk to people all over the world. Thanks to Skype, I get to see my far away family! We use it to find where we're going, things to cook, things to make, diagnose illness, meet soul mates, check reviews, shop and so much more. We're so dependent on our internet that when it's down - we're RAGEY!! "How am I going to check my email?!" All work STOPS. When our office internet is down, we kind of stand in the hall and look at each other. Everything we do is done through a network so when we're down, we're out. It's kind of amazing how dependent we are.

Oh, don't be fooled, you are too my friend! Just try going one day - an entire day - internet free. No phone, no Facebook, no nothing. Yeah, I couldn't do it either.

Until next time..

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