My Beloved makes me laugh.
A little back story - while I was home with a teeny, tiny baby, I got hooked on a show called Supernatural. It's about monster fighting brothers named Sam and Dean Winchester. Dean is dreamy. Now to the story.....
The other morning we were getting ready for school when my Beloved commented on how I filled out a pair jeans. He suggested I drop something at school so I would have to pick it up. (This was all in jest, calm down.) I tell him it's nothing but girls in our class but if I saw Dean Winchester I'd give it a try. As he walked in to the living room I added, "and only if it's DEAN WINCHESTER!! I don't want Jensen Ackles!" (the actor who plays him.)
My Beloved from the living room, "I don't know what 'bits of apples' means!"
I swear.
We have a pre-lit fake tree. I hint every year that we might need a new one next year. He's adamantly against it. No vision.
Being the team player I am, I mention I saw something I might want to try. It has little lights and I think we should get a strand of larger lights to add to it! He asks if they make tree-safe lights in such a size. I say, "sure! I saw it on Pinterest!" This garners the usual response, "GD pinterest. How do you know they're not a bunch of liars?!" Me - "how dare you say that about my friend!" This results in an eye roll and a "fine! go find bigger lights."
Well, we're watching TV and a commercial for a super fancy fake tree comes on and I mention that might need to be the one we get. My Beloved doesn't feel the same conviction. I go on to ask how he can make such a judgement, maybe Martha Stewart has one! His straight-faced response, "is Martha who we need to model? She's a convicted felon - I haven't forgotten."
Yeesh, this boy.
I know, I know.
I know I've been neglecting this little space. Life and school got the best of me. Next semester is shaping up to be a bit different so I should have more time. Here's hoping.
I promise to come back and fill you in on a few things you missed.
I have two finals and then Wednesday, I'm free! For a few weeks anyway.
Until next time...
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R. O. T. F. L
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