Sunday, February 15, 2015

Wait for it....

I've had a moody few weeks, I finally vented to my Beloved on Friday. School is taking up so much time (as it should) and I feel like housework is piling up and I'm back to being overwhelmed. And this time of year, I get gloomy. I used to be a part of big exciting things and now I'm not. Now I do the same thing every day. (This is NOT a cry for validation or encouragement or 'at-a-girl!' It's just something I deal with.) 

I feel like I have nothing to share. I tell him,  "I WANT to blog but I feel like I have NOTHING exciting to write about."

And God laughed. 

This morning around 2am, the battery in our our Carbon Monoxide alarm died. It's plugged in to the wall, why does the battery run out?! And why can't it run out during the day?! This is the third time this has happened. The first time was HILARIOUS but it loses something in print. It must be reenacted in person. Trust me. My Beloved jumps out of bed, rips it from the wall and runs the screaming thing into the garage and removes the battery. By some miracle, the child sleeps through it.

However, when she did crawl into our bed around 7ish, she failed to understand that the Dada's pillow is much better suited to support a toddler head so instead she attempted to sleep on my head. On. My. Head. There is no sharing with her. 

Later while Daniel is out raking leaves, I clean up. As I'm putting on mascara, in walks our naked child. I'm talking - NEKKID. She not only managed to get her jammies off but she got her diaper off too. She was kind enough to put it in the Diaper Genie. She was so proud. I put a new diaper on her and finish my process of getting dressed only to have her bring me her shoes and repeat "outside!" over and over again. In nothing but a diaper. 

I finish getting ready and I step out in the garage to ask my Beloved a question. 2 seconds. Maybe 5. I come back to the door and our toddler has managed to lock the deadbolt. 


She is stuck in nothing but a diaper in the laundry room. We are locked outside with no keys and no phones. I'm pretty sure I'm out of the running for Mother of the Year. There's always next year.....

The Dada attempts to open ANY window but it doesn't work. Alice did SO good but eventually the fear set in and she got upset. There is nothing worse in the world than watching your child be upset and not being able to reach them. Dada eventually broke a window and saved the day. 

Luckily, Atticus had requested alone time in the front of the house so he was nowhere near the broken glass. And Alice was tucked safe away in the laundry room so she wasn't in danger either. 

ALL of this before 11:30am. 

My Beloved worked to get all the glass up while I distracted Alice in our room with a Ring Pop. I'm out of the running for MOY anyway, why not?! 

It never fails. Listen, new parents. You rock along and things get easier and you get complacent and you think, "we got this!" and then BAM!!!! You get locked out. Or a child who couldn't reach the counter YESTERDAY all of a sudden hands you a knife they can now reach. And it's like they can read all the warning labels that say "Keep out of Child's Reach" and they collect them for you - "look what I found! What kind of parent are you?" And just like that you're reminded you know nothing. And it's a miracle everyone is still alive. A MIRACLE. Trust me, don't get comfortable. It never lasts...

So there's another milestone we reached. Another note for the baby book. But really, I haven't written a thing in her baby book since before we brought her home. I'm really not holding my breath for that Mother of the Year award. 

The first thing we did after everyone was ready to go was make a few house keys to hide in the garage. Yep. 

As we're standing in the kitchen later, I say to my Beloved, "well, now I have something to blog!" 

Until next time......

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