Friday, August 7, 2015

Chatting with the Church Dudes

We've had a busy few weeks! It's hot and exhausting. 

This past Tuesday, I invited our friend Marci and her little boy, PJ over for a pool play-date. Alice didn't sleep well and woke up super cranky. Fun times. I had to run an unexpected errand and was already super annoyed when it came time for them to arrive. 

I return from our errand, quickly eat lunch and then go out to fill up the pool. We have a glass screen door so I opened the front door so I could watch from the backyard just in case they arrived. 

While I'm in the backyard, the dog starts barking and Alice is knocking on the back door. I look up and there are two guys waving from the front door. Great. Now I have to talk to people.

I did not do my makeup or my hair and I wasn't even dressed for entertaining. This was going to be an extremely laid back play date. 

As I approach the door, I can tell they're selling Jesus. Only today wasn't a day for Jesus Folk - today was a day for Jonah folk. I get closer to the door and Church Dude #1 says, "I like your shirt!" I'm wearing a neon yellow SCBC shirt that says "Keep Calm and Creek on". Seriously, the shirt is so bright, you might could see it from space. He goes on to add he really likes the Keep Calm stuff. Greeeeaaaat. 

They're from a church in Deer Park and they're just going around the neighborhood to invite us all to worship with them. Church Dude #2 says the other neighbors are Catholic and won't talk to them.

I added, "they're all a little older so that's not surprising."
CD#2, "yeah, and it took them like a long time to come to the door." 

So I'm their target audience. 

CD#1 says they only meet on Saturdays because that's the way it should be and some Emperor changed it. I wasn't really listening so I can't be sure. He also adds their church has people of all ages - singles, married, older, younger, kids! LOTS OF KIDS! 

He adds this because our kid has started her "POOL!!! KIDS!!! POOL!!! KIDS!!!" chant in the background. He asks if the pool is for her, I say, "yes" with all the patience I can muster, "she's expecting a play date and neither of you brought any kids with you. She's a bit disappointed." "POOL!!! KIDS!!!! POOL!!! KIDS!!!! still on repeat in the background. 

CD#1 asks how old she is.
I say, "she's almost 3."
CD#1 says "*insert CD#2's name* has a wife that's pregnant!"
I say, "congratulations!"
CD#2 - "thanks! It's a girl too!"
Me - "congrats, again! And remember, it'll get better."
CD#2 - "That's great news! At what age?"
Me - "We're hoping by the time she's 20."

Without skipping a beat, CD#1 says, "we have people with good senses of humor at our church too!"

And it made grumpy me smile. Touche, Church Dude #1.

Until next time......

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